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Press Realese - Programm

…with all the changes that loomed far behind the horizon

2.5- 22.05.2013, MARS İstanbul - Açılış Opening: 02.05.2013, 18:00

Participants: Gizem Akkoyunoğlu, Tufan Baltalar, Hera Büyüktaşçıyan, Elmas Deniz, Mehmet Dere, Yunus E.Erdoğan, Elif Erkan, Özge Ersoy, Özgül Kılınçarslan, Erden Kosova, Esra Okyay, Önder Özengi, Sümer Sayın, Ahmet H. Soydemir , Gökçe Süvari, Merve Şendil, Vahit Tuna, Berkay Tuncay, Merve Ünsal, Çiğdem Zeytin, Didem Yazıcı, Ezgi Yakın, Orhan Yıldız, Serra Tansel, Curator: Borga Kantürk

Working Hours: Tuesday- Saturday: 11:00– 18:00 -
Contact: Pınar Öğrenci

“The future used to be just a continuation of the present, with all the changes looming far behind the
horizon.” (A.Tarkovsky, Stalker)

An attempt to compile what we have experienced, our past and present, emotions and knowledge in the
horizon; during the obscure process through which the irreversible point we reached has gradually isolated and singularized us; without letting them lose their meaning and vanish. To make an exhibition in order to question our concerns regarding the period we go through within the contemporary art scene, our meaningless readings; and the lack of direction created by the dark, unidentified centre of attraction that comprises all of these.To design this exhibition as a production process that will focus on the retrospective witnessing of the excluded non-institutional practices and individual artist stances that lose their ground for research and production, in the contemporary art scene of Turkey and their efforts regarding the present.

MARS İstanbul will host a process of events; which will present encounters concerning the self existence of the participants and art world that nourish with their experiences and witnesses, for twenty days. The place will be transformed into a space of laboratory where meetings and presentations are held, an office where individual records and archives will be shared and an area that the artists will present their productions that constitute their point of departure; throughout a period of 3 weeks. The reason why this open program was preferred is to establish an expanding space for discussion and to attempt to reinstate the dialogue that diminished within the contemporary art scene, especially among producers.

The primary question that is proposed is; whether it is possible to create a private area where artists can
persist in processes of discussion, interpretation and production, referring to the art scene, without the
determinacy of mainstream institutions, and where they can be involved in with themselves and with their own initiatives.

Besides the art works to be exhibited, a radio formation, podcast broadcasts, presentations-performances and a short term artist residency program will be held within this period. By this means, it is aimed to create alternative models by emphasizing the fact that the notion of exhibition is not an organization regarding result-oriented displays of completed work and research. The event will specifically focus on questioning the persistence of the process of exhibiting and production, and the different strategies of surplus production, starting from the beginning (date of opening) till the end (date of closing). This stratified structure targets to create a tidal area; a complex and parallel persistence between the completed works in space (the past) and the works to be realized during that process (present).

MARS İstanbul, is an independent art space residing in the district of Tophane. It is founded by Pınar Öğrenci, who is an architect and an artist, in 2010. It is a non-profit space that is established with the idea to create a ‘Space for Art’ and the aim to unite artists,
curators, critics and the audience.

Firuz Ağa Mahallesi Bostanbaşı Caddesi No:10 Taksim/İstanbul Tel&Faks: 0212 2454850/05327316256

Event Program:

…with all the changes that loomed far behind the horizon
Exhibition Dates: 2 – 22 May 2013

> Radio program:
Radio Zone: Merve Şendil, Vahit Tuna
Date: Each Wednesday throughout the exhibition
May 8 / May 15 / May 22, 2013, Time: 18:00

>Short term artist residency program: Berkay Tuncay
Dates: 7 -17 May 2013, Location: Mars İstanbul

3 exhibitions, models, strategies realized by independent bodies, between 2007-2011

1- in the irregular Topography of the Mind 2011
Speakers:Gökce Süvari – Hera Büyüktaşcıyan, 4 May 2013 Saturday, time: 18:00

2- Relative Positions and Conclusions 2009
Speaker: Önder Özengi, 11 May 2013, Saturday, time: 18:003-The Unmarked Categories2007
Speaker: Elmas Deniz, 18 May 2013, Saturday, time: 18:00

>Podcast Program:
Do you need a tape recorder to save your ideas?
Prepared by: Didem Yazıcı, Artists: Elif Erkan, Serra Tansel,
2- 22 May 2013, throughout the exhibition

>Presentations and Performances:

1- ’ Economies of Alternative Art Institutions and Labor Processes: A Case Analysis’ Önder
Özengi, 4May 2013, Saturday, time: 16:00

2-‘Try valuation’, Merve Ünsal, 14 May 2013,Tuesday , time: 18:00

3-‘Free translation of Diedrich Diederichsen’s ‘On (Surplus) Value in Art’ (2008) Özge Ersoy, open
event, over Google doc (Online). 2 - 22 May 2013, throughout the exhibition.

Firuz Ağa Mahallesi Bostanbaşı Caddesi No:10 Taksim/İstanbul Tel&Faks: 0212 2454850/05327316256


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