Exhibition in Pecs, Hungary - 100 Reflections of Iszlam May 28th, 2008 In 2010,Europe will have three cultural capitals: Essen in Germany, the Turkish Istanbul and the Hungarian Pecs. Between East (Istanbul) and West (Essen) Pecs is in half-way, so the call reflects also on unifying Europe and on the diversity of cultures acknowledging the power of imaginative geographies. As today the role of religion is strengthening again both in the search for identity and the political, public discourses, we would like to present these three cities by their common religious heritage. Islam is the most dynamic world religion today. After Christianity, it is the second largest religion with 1 billion 322 million followers. Islam is so diverse that some even speak today about “Islams”, in the plural. The Muslim mode of life, system of belief and world-views are manifested in the cities: through clothing, architecture, behaviour, commerce and application of law. We would like to offer this diversity –