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Ocak, 2011 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor
25.01.2011 14.45 van/izmir ucagi cok kotu bir ucus gerceklestirdi,gercekten cok kotuydu.Bol turbulansli bir ucus yolculugundan sonra Izmire vardim.En cok ozledigim;yagmurlu asfalta bastigim,icime cektigim nemli Izmir havasiydi.


"Whenever you see darkness, there is extraordinary opportunity for the light to burn brighter." Bono

A Postcard from Izmir

Aside from the harrowing depiction of the city burning and the plight of refugees during the 1920s Greco-Turkish war in Jeffrey Eugenides’ novel Middlesex (2002), I didn’t know much about Izmir before going there. But given the stated aim of the second installment of ‘Portizmir 2’, their contemporary art triennial, to produce not only an exhibition but also ‘a dialogue between contemporary art and the people in the city’, I knew that would have to change. Luckily for me Turkey’s second biggest port after Istanbul, and third largest urban centre, is welcoming to strangers and trade. Intertwined historical, cultural, social, political and religious conflicts, and myriad contradictions that they give rise to, are rife in contemporary Turkey. That country’s current high-energy state – propelled by a young aspiring population realigning in a rapidly restructuring and growing economy – has only served to make them all the more palpable. Izmir is no exception and on every corner its historica


“BU SERGİDİR !” ... çıkmaz sokaklar, pirili oynayan çocuklar, kapalı kapılar ardında unutulan nesneler, tek edilmiş çürümeye bırakılmış mekanlar, gücü temsil eden nesneler, provoke edilen duygular, dışavurumlar; Ölçü alabilmek, çarpmak, bölmek, sınırlandırmak, farklılaştırmak,ötekileştirmek, tarihi sindirmek, hazmetmeye zorlanmak, tekdüzeleştirmek, dönüştürmek, yok etmek, ayak sürtmek, toz kaldırmak, toplamak, çıkartmak, yerleştirmek, bozmak, yeni yerleşim teklifleri sunmak, süreç içerisinde neler olabileceğini konusunda soru sormak, sorgulamak, tekrar sorgulamak, tekrarlamak.... Sinem Ertaner/ Yioula Pitsiali/ Ahmet Özgünel/ Uğur Bahçeci/ Ateş Kozal/ Serhat Selışık/ Mustafa Batıbeniz/ Selim Birsel . Lefkoşa 10 - 15/01/2011 Workshop + Exhibition in Lefkoşa with 7 young artists. A week of tracing the divided city both Turkish and Greek sides. ... dead-end streets, children playing marble, forgotten objects behind closed doors, were the only places left to decay, representing the po


..Dusunmek ne istedigini hatirlamaya calismakmis anladim
Mehmet Dere "untitled" 2011 Charcoal drawing on paper 48x34 cm The best security lies in fear.* Laertes in Hamlet *(Burada "lie" fili hem "yatmak" hem de "yalan" soylemek anlamindadir)