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Sofra ; geneleksel olarak oturulan yasanan bir cografyayi temsil eder.Etrafinda oturulur birlikte yemek yenir,yaygin inanisin disinda bilinen gercek vatan dogdugun yer degil doydugun yerdir.Turkiyede bu soz bir kalip olarak cok kullanilir.Yuzey olarak sofranin  uzerinde bulunan kafatasi ile birlikte   tahta yuzey  çöle,  gozundeki kurt ise payini bekleyen ac kurda gonderme yapar.

The dinning table represents a common, traditional geography of life. People gather around it, sit together, and eat. The truth is that “your homeland is not where you are born but where you eat”. In Turkey, this is an often used, boilerplate saying. The skull and the wood surface of the dining table refer to the desert, while the wolf inside the skull’s eye is a reference to “the hungry wolf that awaits its share”.


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