TANDEM – Cultural Managers Exchange Turkey – European Union aims at establishing long-term partnerships between cultural organisations from Turkey and the EU countries. Following the steps of the first TANDEM Turkey-EU round, conducted in 2011-2012, it is targeted at engaging participants in an intense international collaboration process, which includes the realisation of a shared interdisciplinary project, linked to their cultural expertise. TANDEM is an initiative of the European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam), MitOst (Berlin), Anadolu Kültür (Istanbul), and supported by Stiftung Mercator (Essen). For one year, 15 cultural managers/project coordinators from Turkey and 15 from different EU countries form 15 transnational collaboration Tandems. All participants spend a placement at their partner’s organisation. Next to experiencing a new cultural environment, this working visit includes the planning and implementation of a shared cultural project or co-production. In ...